Current Bylaws

Following is a current listing of all Bylaws in place for the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440.

Bylaw No.

Date Passed

Dealing With

5/2024 6-June-2024 To Provide for Minimum Amounts of Tax
4/2024 6-June-2024 To Provide for Base Tax
3/2024 9-May-2024 To Provide for Mill Rate Factors
2/2024 4-Apr-2024 To Provide for Assesing and Levying the Cost of Fire Suppression Services
1/2024 11-Jan-2024 To Provide for the Administration of the Municipality and to Set Forth the Duties and Powers of the Designated Officers for the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
6/2023 9-Nov-2023 To Provide for the Transitioning Negotiable Debentures to
Non-Negotiable Debenture
5/2023 9-Nov-2023 To License the Excavation of Gravel from Gravel Pits
4/2023 4-May-2023 To Repeal Bylaws 3/1975, 2/1989, 4/1989, 1/1993, 2/1995, 7/1997, 1/2003, 12/2016, 4/2014, 2/2015, 3/2015, 4/2015, 1/2017, 2/2017, 5/2017, 1/2018, 6/2018, 5/2019 and 6/2019
10/2022 6-Apr-2023 In Respect of Buildings
9/2022 6-Oct-2022 To Regulate the Retention and to Authorize the Disposal of Records of the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
7/2022 9-Jun-2022 To Establish Property Tax Penalties
Exhibit 'A'
7-Apr-2022 To Provide for Entering Into an Agreement Respecting Fire Protection Services with Little Pine Intian Reserve No. 115
2/2022 14-Mar-2022 To Establish Fees for the Provision of Tax Certificates and Other Assessment or Taxation Information
1/2022 14-Mar-2022 To Establish a Fee to Appeal Assessments
9/2021 7-Oct-2021 To Provide for Temporary Borrowing by Establishment of a Line of Credit
7/2021 3-Jun-2021 To Provide for the Issuance of Permits for the Purpose of Burning Within the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
2/2021 8-Apr-2021 To Regulate the Proceedings of Municipal Council and Council's Committees
8/2020 8-Oct-2020
Ministry Approval
To Provide for Borrowing the Sum of Nine Million adn 00/100 Dollars ($9,000,000.00) for the purpose of financing a gravel pit acquisition; to be secured by the issue of debentures
7/2020 Sept-3-2020 To Prevent and Control Clubroot
6/2020 Sept-3-2020 To Provide for the Establishing of a Rural Addressing System
Exhibit 'A'
May-7-2020 To Provide for Entering into an Agreement with the Cut Knife Fire Association
10-2019 7-Nov-19 To Provide for Entering into an Agreement to Establish the Administration of the Big Manitou Regional Park Authority
8/2019 7-Nov-19
Ministry Approval
To Amend Bylaw No. 1-2013 Known as the Official Community Plan
of the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440.
4/2019 7-Nov-19
Ministry Approval
To Amend Bylaw No. 2-2013 Known as the Zoning Bylaw
of the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
5/2018 7-Jun-18 To Provide for Assessing and Levying the Cost of Fire Suppression Services
11/2016 31-Jan-17 To Provide for the Establishement of a Code of Ethics for Members of Council of the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
Exhibit 'A'
7-Jul-16 To Provide for Rescue Services
Exhibit 'A'
7-Jul-16 To Provide for Fire Protection Services
5/2016 7-Jul-16 To Provide for the Numbering of Houses and Other Buildings in the Hamlets of Baldwinton and Carruthers
3/2016 3-Mar-16 To Provide for Mill Rate Factors
7/2015 5-Nov-15 Provide for Entering nito an Agreement Respecting Mutual Aid with
R.M. of Cut Knife and Town of Cut Knife
6/2015 8-Oct-15 Provide for Assessing and Levying Cost of Fire Suppression Services
5/2015 8-Oct-15 To Establish a Haying Policy
Exhibit 'A'
8-Jan-15 To Provide for Entering Into an Agreement with Other Municipalities to Provide Fire Protection
8/2014 5-Jun-14 To Declare Beavers Open to Hunting
7/2014 8-May-14 Noise Bylaw
6/2014 6-Nov-14 To Amend Bylaw No. 2, 2013 Known as the Zoning Bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
5/5014 6-Nov-14 To Amend Bylaw No. 1, 2013 Known as the Official Community Plan of the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
1/2014 9-Jan-14 To Provide for the Regulation and Control of the Cemeteries Operated by the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440
10/2013 9-Jan-04 To Amend Bylaw 2, 2013 • Zoning Bylaw
8/2013 5-Dec-13 To Provide for the Closing and Selling of a Municipal Road
2/2013 7-Mar-13 Zoning Bylaw
1/2013 7-Mar-13 OCP
6/2012 13-Dec-12 To Provide for Entering into Agreement Respecting Medical Clinics
4/2012 12-Oct-12 To Ban Glass Bottles at Birch Lake
1/2012 13-Jan-12 To Provide for The Setting Of Fees For Service
1/2011 17-Mar-11 To Manage Vehicle Weights and Permits
6/2009 3-Dec-09 Prohibit Raising of Domestic Rats
4/2009 6-Aug-09 Control the Disposal of Scrap Tires
1/2009 9-Jan-09 Provide for Establishment of Procedures
9/2006 4-May-06 Authorize Certain Expenditures
8/2006 4-May-06 General Penalty
6/2006 4-May-06 License the Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells
2/2006 20-Apr-06 Dispense with Mailing Assessment Notices
9/2005 1-Dec-05 Public Notice
8/2005 1-Dec-05 Nuisances
2/2005 5-May-05 Designate Lilydale School as Heritage Property
6/2004 9-Dec-04 Provide for 911 Dispatch Services
2/2003 6-Mar-03 Placing trees, stones etc Adjacent to Certain Roads
1/89 9-Mar-89 Establish an Emergency Measures Organization
5/88 8-Dec-88 Mutual Aid Fire Protection
4/86 4-Nov-86 SARM Liability Insurance
4/84 6-Nov-84 Restricting Operation of Tractors and Certain Vehicles on Roads
1/80 5-Feb-80 Eradication of Rats
2/74 8-Jan-74 Snowmobiles
4/72 4-Dec-72 Regional Library
3/68 6-Aug-68 Restrict Weight of Vehicles on Roads & Bridges
1/68 7-May-68 License and Regulate Dogs Running at Large
1/61 12-Jul-61 Erection & Observance of Highway Traffic Signs
6/59 7-Apr-59 Regulating Speed of Motor Vehicles in Hamlets